Learning and leadership go hand in hand. In fact, learning never ceases. And as a Rotarian, you are not only the leader of your business or profession, but also the one who leads the change in the society. You are the one who make the positive change possible for larger good. You make a difference.
A life-changing experience for the Rotarians who have graduated successfully from the Academy, the programme comprises a six-lessons correspondence course on various aspects of Rotary's functioning culminating with a 3-days residential workshop on personal leadership. The workshop is conducted by a team of external management trainers and is exclusively devoted to improving your life and management skills that can help you successfully manage your personal, professional or business, and social life.
The residential workshop shall be held at Hotel Beckons, Chandigarh, on 12-14 April 2013, with an exciting line-up of activities, case studies, role play, and presentation skills.
The registration fee is Rs.11,000 only for this programme and applications are now invited to reach us on or before 15th September, with initial payment of Rs.6,000 only by way of a cheque drawn in favour of "Rotary District 3080 Leadership Academy". The balance Rs.5,000 would be payable before 15th of March 2013.
For any further information you may please contact
PDG Major Som Dutt, Dean, dla3080@gmail.com;
PDG Shaju Peter, Associate Dean, daftech@sify.com
Visit our Blog : http://leadershipacademy3080.blogspot.in
Watch the Presentation.