Saturday, August 1, 2009

Monday Meeting is very Special

This Monday is very special meeting day for all of us. As hosts of the District Intercity assigned to us by DG Chetan Aggarwal, to welcome Rotary International Director 2009-11, Rtn. K.R. Ravindran, from Colombo, Sri Lanka, it is our special obligation that we are there as perfect host to receive our guests from various Rotary Clubs of the District.
We assemble at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Sector 27, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh at 4:00pm sharp to stand along our President Rtn. G.S. Lakhmana, and his team, and take charge of various responsibilities to make this function a success.
We need people to look after our guests, handle registration, hospitality, venue arrangements, and more than anything else, your presence.
Surely, we shall see each other on Monday.

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