Stress is growing because of man’s insatiable desire to wrest power, position, wealth, and material possessions, said Swami Avdeshanand Giri ji maharaj while addressing our Club on Monday evening
Swami Avdeshanand Giri who is the Acharya Mahamandleshwar of the Junapeeth Akhara in Haridwar and incharge of ashrams in Haridwar, Varanasi, and Baroda, blessed the Club with his gracious presence and highly inspirational discourse.
He lamented the man’s indiscriminate violation of laws of Nature because of the desire to acquire quick money, wealth, status in the community he lives in by whatever means and unfortunately, such people of so-called success have become the ideals for many resulting in acute mental stress. This continued internal fight to make everything favourable to one’s own wants and desires ultimately are providing only temporary joy and pleasant feelings, with no end to stress and distress inside.
In an age of information, advertising, and consumerism, there is instant panacea to all ills being sold whether it is for quick health, or quick beauty, taking us away from the reality of this world, Swami ji said.
Our quest to create a beautiful peaceful world, the oneness of human kind, would be realized only when we adopt the path of spiritualism, he added.
Spirutalism, he said, is not following religious rituals but returning to one’s own inner self – a state of extreme bliss that one enjoys when one goes off to a deep dream-less slumber. A state when human being returns within his inner folds and if he retains this inner peace, he would get wiser, more in control of one’s life, a happy, joyous, loving and caring being, Swami ji said.
Spiritualism makes you stronger and in control of yourself and complete. Swami ji revealed the true meaning of ‘Bhagwan’ that we all yearn for and worship, and yet continue to disintegrate and destroy it mercilessly. He said that the word ‘bhagwan’ represents the five elements of Nature around us, i.e. ‘bha’ for ‘bhumi’ or earth; ‘ga’ for ‘gagan’ or sky; ‘va’ for ‘vayu’ or air; ‘aa’ for ‘agni’ or fire; and ‘na’ for ‘neer’ or water. Swami ji said that the man has polluted all these elements in his quest for worldly acquisitions and comforts, killing the essence of Nature, which has taken us all away from ‘bhagwan’ or god.
On being asked about the relationship, he said that each one of us are related to each other and it is man’s responsibility towards another being for everything, which alone can build better relations. Only a truly spiritual person can maintain proper relationship with one’s fellow beings, he added.
He expressed his gratitude on being a part of intellectual gathering of Rotarians and blessed all for the exceptional good work they are doing for the humanity, and even commended Rotary’s efforts in eradicating polio from the world.
This was a meeting that was charged with high positive energy in which Rotarians with their spouses joined to listen to Swami ji.
The atmosphere was so charged that the meeting culminated with an equally enlightened and spiritually-motivated expression of gratitude from President Elect Rtn. Hassan Mejie. Expressing his inability to say the words of gratitude to Swami ji, he paid a befitting tribute to his presence by offering to save another life of a poor child under Rotary’s Heartline project by promising to pay Rs.65,000, and paid, as a token, a sum of Rs.1000 to the Club.
The evening fellowship was hosted by PP Rtn. Man Mohan Singh Kohli and PP Rtn. Praveen Chander Goyal.